Youth Impact
Larry (LC III) and Tammy Dunning, Youth Pastors at Pentecostal Temple in Macon, GA since 2017, have taken an innovative approach to spiritually empowering the youth of their church and community. With an emphasis on media and the creative arts, the leadership duo of #1youthMINISTRY, are relentless in discovering and reinventing ways to share the Gospel while offering their youth opportunities to express their gifts and personal interests. From original stage plays and illustrated sermons to their G4 (Go Forth) ministry specifically designed for teenagers transitioning to higher education and adulthood, the Dunnings leave no stone unturned and no youth behind. They have even implemented a Youth in Focus video series to celebrate the educational, extracurricular and career accomplishments of the young members.
Their holistic approach to ministry considers every resource youth will need to lay a successful foundation spiritually and naturally. Beyond their monthly Power Hour services under youth leadership, they established an Out of the Box series dedicated to entrepreneurship, training, and exposure to high profile leaders and visionaries who have demonstrated success as business owners.
While holding fast to biblical principles, there are no lengths the Dunnings will not reach to shift the paradigm of traditional ministry to engage youth and culture for the sake of the Kingdom. #1youthMINISTRY emphasizes unity in the Body of Christ and the endeavor to work together in our callings toward the greatest good.
Larry and Tammy have been happily married for six years and are the proud parents of Chrisette and Laylah Dunning.

I read the article on #1youthMINISTRY, its a blessing in what you and your wife are doing, just want to encourage you both to continue advancing the kingdom of God for his glory.